In 2019 President's Message



As a former newspaper journalist, the Associated Press Stylebook has been the holy grail (lowercase, no hyphen) of my writing existence. I’m still ticked that the group said it’s OK to use “over” in place of “more than.”

I am glad that FPRA, corporate communications organizations and many other PR organizations use the AP Stylebook as their preferred method of proper writing.

Recently, Ragan’s PR Daily came out with 12 recent AP Stylebook changes.

For example, Brandi is my co-worker, not my coworker.

And commas. The importance of commas, I repeat, can never be understated. It’s very, very, very, very important to know when to use commas and when not to. This above link provides some guidance.

Another thing I learned from this article is that “Dressing is cooked outside of the bird; stuffing is cooked inside. This also differs depending on the region.”

Growing up in Arkansas, I didn’t give a hoot about whether it’s dressing or stuffing, as long as the gizzards were fresh.

All of this proves that you never stop learning when you are in public relations and in FPRA.

The monthly webinars provide great learning topics. The annual conference coming up in August in Tampa will highlight more than two days of incredible speakers.

All of your chapters are providing learning tools in your monthly meetings. The one thing I’ve noticed this year is an increase in the number of chapters having professional development events/summits/conferences.

I’m so impressed with the chapter leaders who are organizing these learning opportunities. They, along with members of the Executive Committee and our state office, are what make FPRA … Smart. Engaged. Fun.

Great stuff(ing).

Stay Smart. Stay Engaged. Have Fun.

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