Legacy & Traditions

Since its founding in 1938, FPRA has been dedicated to advancing the public relations profession. Over the years, the organization has cultivated a rich legacy and developed its meaningful traditions. 

One of the key factors that has enabled FPRA to maintain its position as an industry-leading organization is its unwavering respect for its heritage. We continue to honor and celebrate the traditions that have shaped us, at both chapter and state events.


Passing of the Gavel

This ceremonial-like tradition takes place every year during FPRA’s Presidents’ Luncheon at the PR & Comms Summit. At the local level, chapters have also been known to conduct this ceremony during the swearing-in of their chapter president. With each gavel pass, members are reminded of FPRA’s rich history and long line of leaders who have dedicated their careers to furthering the public relations profession and FPRA. 


Dillin Desert and Chocolate Break

FPRA is known for helping professionals do their jobs better … and chocolate, of course. FPRA’s founder, Lt. Col. John W. Dillin, loved chocolate. In celebration of FPRA’s founder and his many accomplishments, the Dillin Dessert presentation is made every year in Dillin’s honor at our PR & Comms Summit. The Dillin Dessert presentation is a highly anticipated event loved by all who experience it.