Leadership Opportunities

Perhaps more than any other benefit of membership, FPRA’s leadership development opportunities stand out as the crown jewel to prospective and longtime members. At every level, there are numerous opportunities for our members to hone their skills - from project management to leading groups of people toward mutual goals.

Chapter Involvement

With 15 professional chapters and 14 student chapters located throughout Florida, we offer a variety of leadership opportunities geographically close to our members. Our chapters are managed by boards comprised of volunteers. Volunteering as a chapter board member lends itself to professional leadership and development opportunities. Presidents and President-Elects form our Board of Directors and meet quarterly in-person.

Executive Committee & Committees

At the State level, we offer volunteer opportunities to serve in a professional capacity on the State Executive Committee or a specific Committee.

To serve on the Executive Committee, a member must have served as a president of their local chapter. Executive Committee members are Vice Presidents and instrumental in chairing and managing important operations for the Association, including leading the Golden Image Awards, overseeing and managing the Communications, oversight of the our Credentialing programs and so much more.

Open to all members, our Committees are at times created by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee out of necessity and other times created by individual Vice Presidents to engage more voices. In each case, committee work is instrumental in driving change and bringing fresh ideas to the organization’s programs.


LeadershipFPRA provides our members with the tools they need to become stronger leaders in their organizations, their communities and FPRA. The program is formal, consisting of an orientation and five full-day sessions throughout Florida. Regardless of how new you are to the business or how long you may have practiced, this program will help you hone leadership skills.

Leadership Recognition

As a professional association, we prioritize recognizing the leaders that make a difference in our industry and in helping our members achieve professional growth. At the local level, some of our chapters provide a variety of awards at the end of each year to members who have gone above and beyond to make a difference. At the state level, we offer several awards, including the coveted Dillin Award, the Doris Fleischman Award, the Rising Leader Award and many others.