
As a member-run organization, FPRA offers a variety of leadership growth opportunities - including the opportunity to participate in a committee. Our committees are at times created by the Board of Directors out of necessity and other times created by officers to support their focused initiative. In each case, committee work is instrumental in driving change and bringing fresh ideas to the organization’s programs.

Many chapters also have committees working on various projects and tasks. Serving on a committee is a great way to expand your network and get involved. We encourage you to reach out to your local chapter to learn more about opportunities that exist at the local level.

Below is a look at the association’s current committees at the state level. If you are interested in getting involved, contact the associated Vice President on the Executive Committee or reach out to us.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The mission of FPRA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force is to build and sustain a statewide culture in diversity, equity and inclusion, while advancing the public relations profession in Florida. The Task Force is committed to providing guidance and educational resources on DE&I to FPRA and its members, diversifying our membership and leadership, and educating diverse audiences on the value of FPRA in their careers.

In 2022, the Task Force collaborated with a DE&I consulting team. The team analyzed 49 pages of data collected through our DE&I membership survey, conducted 12 in-depth interviews with a cross-section of diverse FPRA members and led our Task Force through online training and discussions to determine our focus. The recommendations in their report will guide our DE&I work together in the next few years.

We will work to ensure in the years ahead that FPRA’s leadership reflects diverse demographics and the communities our chapters represent. We will also look for ways to assist in the diversification of our profession.

If you have questions about FPRA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force, please contact Melissa DiMaria, our VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


Financial Revenue Committee

Led by our VP of Finance, our Financial Task Force is instrumental in reviewing the status of our organization’s finances and seeking ways to further the association’s impact and revenue sources. This includes financial succession planning, budget overview and accounting for today and tomorrow.


Membership Committee

Led by our VP of Membership, this is a working committee dedicated to growing our membership. This committee works on recruitment campaigns, including identifying possible ways to reach more communication professionals about the benefits of joining FPRA.


Past Presidents’ Councils

Leadership does not end once you have served as either a Chapter President or State President. Past Presidents’ Councils are comprised of past presidents and provide guidance and counsel to leadership to assist in guiding the Association forward. The State has a Past Presidents’ Council that is comprised of past State Presidents. Meanwhile, each Chapter has a Past Presidents’ Council comprised of each of their past Chapter Presidents. 

PR & Comms Committee

This committee is instrumental in the planning and implementation of our annual PR & Comms Summit. Committee tasks include recruitment of speakers, development and management of publicity and communications, assisting the VP of Annual Conference in any planning and decision making related to the event experience, and on-site assistance during the state’s most prestigious public relations and communications conference.


Sponsorship Committee

Initially spurred from the Financial Revenue Task Force, this committee includes the development, management and recruitment of sponsors and seeking other outside funding sources. We are consistently looking for creative ways that outside businesses and organizations make a difference within our association to help our members.