FPRA Mentor Application

Mentorship can be helpful and enjoyable for both mentors and mentees. Mentors can provide professional support, share accountability and serve as a trusted sounding board. They can help set boundaries, and they can also give the unfiltered objective truth. This relationship not only provides valuable career growth for the mentee but gives the mentor an opportunity to give something back to their professional community. There is the satisfaction of supporting someone and seeing them flourish and be successful. This relationship can also enable the mentor to re-evaluate some of their own work practices and business decisions, and it can spark some new ideas and collaborations.

Successful mentors traits:
  • Mentors empower mentees to make the right choices and take risks.
  • Mentors are integral to a mentee’s learning and growth.
  • Mentors facilitate good energy and are a positive source of support (not a critic).
Can you commit to being available for at least one Zoom/phone session per month (January - August 2025) with your mentee? Are you also available as needed throughout the year if they seek guidance? It will be the responsibility of the mentee to set the meetings with you and establish goals with you from the beginning.