Fostering an Exceptional Company Culture

Culture sign displayed on a table with many hands to illustrate "Company Culture."

Nearly 30 years ago, a big dream and some hard work in a one-room cottage made Moore a reality. Looking back on that time, I had no idea this company would grow into an internationally ranked integrated communications and public affairs firm. As with any endeavor, the beginning stages are always the hardest, and jumping headfirst into the initial nuances of establishing a company, I quickly found that I would need a lot of extra hands.

A large part of the dream that made Moore a reality was to establish a company where not only I loved to work, but my employees did as well. While strong leadership is integral in establishing exceptional company culture, it takes an even stronger team to bring everything together. That’s why I believe the work I put into establishing the initial team of superstars and the culture this organization would embody was the most important investment I’ve ever made. With a 92% employee retention rate and nearly 25% of Moore team members being with the agency for 10 years or more, it’s amazing to see that Moore is truly a place people love to work. 

Fostering a company culture to be proud of isn’t easy. I have learned so much during my own journey through this process and love to help others on their own path. Read on for more information on what I believe are the keys to establishing the company culture you envisioned. 

Only Hire the Best 

Now, when I say only hire the best, I don’t just mean by someone’s resume. One of our Moore Mantra’s is there’s power in potential. Looking beyond the resume requires you take into account how an applicant’s personality meshes with your organization, but also if they embrace individuality and have their own set of skills to bring something new.  

Maintaining Culture Is Just as Important as Building It 

Forming your company’s culture starts with building a team that will enrich it. Maintaining a company culture starts with supporting the team you’ve built. Recruit team members committed to lifelong learning and give them the tools they need. Invest in professional development, teach leadership skills and show employees how they can advance.  

You must also strongly consider whether you’ll be able to fulfill a long-term commitment to employees. This will require you to be conservative with hiring by not ramping up so quickly that you will hire anyone to get the job done. If you can do this well, it gives your employees a sense of stability and trust in you (and trust in their future at your company).  

Empower Your Team 

What a lot of employers unfortunately fail to understand is that their employees have a life outside of work. Your team is filled with individuals who have their own passions, in their community or beyond. It is the obligation of the team’s leader to give them all the tools they can muster to make changes they want to see in the organization and in the world. A big part of how we do this at Moore is through our Moore Impact initiative. The Moore Impact initiatives carried out by our team are completely focused on community endeavors our team is passionate about, and it gives our team the chance to make the change they want to see in the world.  

In the End, Above All Else, the Team Must Come First 

When employers enrich and support employees, employees do an even better job supporting clients. Looking toward the future, I recommend you always be aggressive about growth and opportunity, but never deviate from a culture that fosters work-life balance, health and wellbeing. Your team must come first, and they will ensure the future of your organization.

Karen B. Moore, APR, CPRC

Karen is a CEO, author, public speaker and community leader. From her very first campaign to recruit donors for the National Marrow Donor Program, Karen’s work has focused on issues and causes that change lives. She is a nationally-recognized expert in advocacy and has built over 100 state and national coalitions addressing health care disparities and other important legislative issues. Karen has conducted media and advocacy training sessions for Fortune 500 companies, elected officials, the British Olympic Team and has been a featured speaker at the White House Summit for Women Entrepreneurs. She has addressed more than 300 organizations on topics including advocacy, media relations, strategic planning, crisis communications, marketing and networking. Karen has been featured in esteemed national publications, most recently as a key contributor for Forbes.