For more than 85 years, FPRA has brought together public relations, marketing, advertising and communication professionals at all levels to its PR & Comms Summit to stay on top of the latest communication trends while honing the comms skill set needed for success. 

The PR & Comms Summit offers inspiring sessions delivered by world-class ​speakers from top global corporations, powerhouse industries, and national public relations, advertising and marketing firms. Attendees also have time to network with their professional peers representing industries such as government, healthcare, technology, tourism, public utilities, law enforcement, finance, education, nonprofit and agencies.

Upcoming Dates

The 2025 PR & CommsSummit planing is underway, and we hope you are as excited as we are to attend! Mark your calendar for August 3-6, 2025 at Rosen Shingle Creek Orlando. Details on the program, registration and hotel booking will be announced soon.

What to Pack: Recommended Attire

Several events take place during the PR & Comms Summit with various recommended dress attire. Business Casual? Dressy Attire? Black Tie Optional? It can be hard to decipher what these dress codes actually entail. To make things easier, we’ve outlined the events you will encounter at the Summit and the recommended dress attire for each of these functions. Hopefully, this resource will help you plan.